Support Status
Release | Release date | Support Status | Support Ends |
4.17.5 | Thursday 20 March 2025 | Supported | |
4.17.4 | Wednesday 26 February 2025 | Support Ending | May 2025 |
4.17.3 | Wednesday 29 January 2025 | Support Ending | March 2025 |
4.17.2 | Wednesday 4 December 2024 | Unsupported | Februari 2025 |
4.17.1 | Wednesday 16 October 2024 | Unsupported | January 2025 |
4.17.0 | Wednesday 4 September 2024 | Unsupported | October 2024 |
4.16.0 | Wednesday 14 August 2024 | Unsupported | October 2024 |
4.15.1 | Wednesday 24 April 2024 | Unsupported | September 2024 |
4.15.0 | Wednesday 3 April 2024 | Unsupported | May 2024 |
4.14.9 | Wednesday 10 July 2024 | Supported | Oktober 2025 |
4.14.8 | Tuesday 26 March 2024 | Unsupported | October 2024 |
4.14.7 | Wednesday 7 February 2024 | Unsupported | October 2024 |
4.14.6 | Wednesday 15 November 2023 | Unsupported | October 2024 |
4.14.5 | Wednesday 1 November 2023 | Unsupported | October 2024 |
4.14.4 | Tuesday 6 September 2023 | Unsupported | October 2024 |
Previous | Before 1 January 2024 | Unsupported | January 2024 |
Release Notes
Supported Application Components GuidesReleased on: Thursday 20 March 2025
Main changes
Bugfixes and small updates.
- #5239 [Flow Designer] After tenant switch, show the version status of the first flow
- #5208 [FTP] Enable option force inbound if connected to the bottom route of Enrich
- #3968 [MFA] Multi Factor Authentication streamline insertion of MFA code
- #384 [XMLtoEdifactStandards] Support UN/EDIFACT type IFTSTA D96A
- #387 [XMLtoExcel] Sort in original order
- #5223 [MFA] Two Factor Authentication config is not working
- #5217 [Tenant Variables] Retain variable after copy action in tenant variable overview
- #386 [XMLtoExcel] Error on transformation
- #383 [Mail] Exception when sending a html body as attachment
- #372 [Samba] Add a body type if no file is found in case of force inbound
- #381 [PDF] PDF document is returned empty if transport type is queues
UnsupportedReleased on: Wednesday 26 February 2025
Main changes
The primary focus of this release is on bug fixes, but there are several notable updates:
When stopping or removing a flow with an InboundFlowLink, the popup now show more information. This include which flows are linked for each environment.
The list of transactions now shows a red dot when the transaction contains errors.
- #5082 [Flow Manager] Add Started flows to Resources view
- #5123 [Flow Manager - Details] Autorefresh: maintain page scroll position
- #5045 [Flow Manager] Store status filter in custom view
- #5040 [Flow Manager] Store "Show only installed flows" toggle in custom view
- #4585 [Flow Manager - Details] Show when a transaction has errors
- #5056 [Flow Manager - Details] Log container pushes Versions column
- #5037 [InboundFlowLink] Validation and protection on removal of target flow or target flow version with linked inbound flow link
- #5048 [InboundFlowLink] Validation on uninstall of flow with connected inbound flowlink in same environment
- #5115 [Login] Make submit login with Enter key
- #4279 [SetOAuth2] Define the prompt parameter
- #349 Use
in case of BodyType InputStreamCache - #5059 [FTP Component] Configure implicit FTPS over TLS
- #351 [RabbitMQ Component] Convert RabbitMQ to the Camel standard
- #145 [Samba component] Convert Samba component to the Camel standard
- #5127 [Flow Manager - Details] Show versions bar in tab Install log
- #5122 [Flow Manager - Details] Find: takes only one character at a time
- #5106 [Flow Manager - Details] Versions column shown from the wrong flow
- #5103 [Flow Manager - Details] Clicking twice on a flow in the Flow list sidebar links to different versions
- #371 [Flow Manager - Details] Tracing doesn't work when the body is null
- #5159 [Flow Manager - Details] Display no exchanges available on failed transaction if no exchanges are found
- #356 [Queues] Remove redundant header JMSCorrelationIDAsBytes
- #5087 [FTP Component] Bug while sending file through HTTP / FlowLink
- #364 [FTP Component] After scheduler empty body gets processed
- #5051 [XSLT Component] Error on install when component is in the error route
- #347 [JsonToXml Component]Different output at certain message body
UnsupportedReleased on: Wednesday 29 January 2025
Main changes
The primary focus of this release is on bug fixes, but there are several notable updates:
Flow Manager - Overview: Views
Several views have been added to the Flow Manager - Overview page to provide a look at Dovetail from different perspectives:
- The Exchanges view shows how many exchanges are Completed, Pending or Failed.
- The Management view shows who created/installed a flow and if tracing is enabled.
- The Resources view is a table showing the current resources used by each environment (test or production).
Flow Manager - Overview: Custom views
In addition to the default views, users can also create custom views. In these views, columns and filters are user-defined, enabling a view of the flow data tailored to your needs.
Flow Manager - Details
The Flow Manager - Details page includes the same sidebar as the Flow Designer, listing all the flows in your tenant. This enables you to switch between different flow's details directly.
Flow Manager - Transactions: XML and JSON prettyfier
The body of messages in the Flow Manager - Transactions tab can be prettified with the flick of a switch, making the content easier to read.
Apache Camel update
We've updated Apache Camel to version 4.9.0 (Release Notes).
- #5036 [Flow Designer] The label of the Notes tab is bold when it has content.
- #4838 [Flow Designer] Increase 'default' height for component Notes to 13 lines.
- #4889 [Flow Designer] Improved error message when installing a flow with duplicate InboundHTTPS Endpoint.
- #4993 [Flow Manager] Show environment resources in the Flow Manager.
- #4976 [Flow Manager] Show filtered vs total amount of flows in Overview (i.e. Showing 1 of 13 total flows).
- #4839 [Flow Manager] Environment selection persistence in Flow Manager.
- #4591 [Flow Manager] Added a clear all filters button on Flow Manager - Overview.
- #4586 [Flow Manager - Details] Refresh icon now updates the Version list too.
- #4205 [Flow Manager] Optimized scrolling flows during flow overview refresh.
- #4132 [Flow Manager] Lazy load list of flows in Flow Manager.
- #3845 [Flow Manager] Make it possible to create and save custom views.
- #3037 [Flow Manager] Show number of installed flows in tenant and environment.
- #4548 [Flow Manager - Details] Added 'Notes' tab to the Flow Manager - Details.
- #5002 [Flow Manager - Details] Selected flow opened in Flow List.
- #996 [Flow Manager - Details] Option to prettify XML or JSON message body in the Transactions tab.
- #4003 [Flow Manager - Details] Show groups and flows in left sidebar.
- #4587 [Flow Manager - Details] Added a clear filters button on Transactions tab.
- #4944 [FlowLinks] Text transport default made more clear for FlowLinks.
- #4592 [Tenant Variables] Adde a clear filters button.
- #4964 [Instance Manager] Added validations to Max. Active Flows setting.
- #4818 Stay in the environment in which you operate when switching between pages.
- #4813 Made tenant switching more visible.
- #4915 [HTTP component] Made it possible to decrease minimum value of the HTTP timeout settings.
- #4913 [HTTP component] Decreased default Retry attempts value to 5.
- #4910 [InboundHTTPS component] Always open url in a new browser tab.
- #4816 [Flow Designer] Stay in selected flow while previous flow is currently installing.
- #4820 [Flow Designer] Fixed flows of flow group disappear after flow remove sometimes.
- #4859 [Flow Designer] Fixed bug with edit icons in flow properties settings when switching flows.
- #5042 [Flow Designer] Flow list is now updated when moving a flow to _groupless.
- #5043 [Flow Designer] Fixed issue where a flow returned to _groupless after saving.
- #5035 [Flow Manager] Column 'Installed by' not empty after server start-up anymore.
- #5034 [Flow Manager] Keep the column filter value popup open in the table while user interacts with it.
- #4999 [Flow Manager] Added missing uptime column on Exchanges view.
- #4022 [Flow Manager] Uptime column sort by time and removed the filter.
- #3706 [Flow Manager - Transactions] Added a warning when breadcrumbId contains special characters.
- #4067 [Flow Manager - Transactions] Filter inputs are filled with their parameter values in the URL.
- #5024 [Flow Manager - Stats] Stats tab now updates on opening.
- #4854 [Instance Manager] Fixed Max. Active Flows displays 'No value' when value is '0'.
- #4853 [Instance Manager] Updated error message when Max. Active Flows (production) is reached.
- #5033 [Tenant Variables] Fixed bug where edits of production values weren't saved if test value was edited first.
- #5005 [Account Details] Fixed a bug where account details couldn't be updated.
- #4938 [InboundHTTPS] Updated link to the Academy.
- #4928 [Aggregate] Fixed unexpected aggregation when XML element contained CDATA and XML declaration.
- #5050 [Script Component] Fixed evaluation of scripts, now also working when script is a file.
- #4857 [Script component] Fixed issue where scripts didn't run when 'Upload file' option was used.
- #311 [Aggregate] Add message header as Completion count value
- #318 [Enrich] Add exchanges in bottom route to tracing
- #127 #312 #317 [Enrich] improve handling in case of zip archive enrich
- #138 [Inbound Email]The attachment is not placed on the message body
- #135 [Replace] Escape if replacement contains a string character
- #128 [Samba] Check if the path exist before listing
- #137 #338 [Split] Checks for xml declaration in body message in case of aggregation
- #132 #136 [XmlToJson] Improvements and corrections, like handling decimal as a number
UnsupportedReleased on: Wednesday 4 December 2024
Main changes
The primary focus of this release is on bug fixes, but there are several notable updates:
Flow ID
In previous versions, the flow was prefixed with ID_ for the backend. With the new backend in 4.17.x, this is no longer necessary. The same flow ID is now used in both the frontend and backend.
Version Tab
Installation (flow lifecycle) buttons are now displayed only for the selected version or the installed version(s). A toggle has also been added to easily switch between the Flow Designer and Flow Manager.
Auto refresh
A new, configurable auto-refresh option has been added to the Flow Manager Overview and Transaction tab.
Replace component
The replace component now supports the use of headers.
- #4795 Phasing out bundle_id (remove prefix ID_ in the backend).
- #4925 [Flow Designer] Make saving of flow better visible.
- #4863 [Flow Designer] Hide lifecycle buttons of versions that are not selected or installed.
- #4861 [Flow Designer] Improved flow designer speed.
- #4860 [Flow Designer] Improved compiling the flow versions list in the version tab.
- #4876 [Flow Designer] Improved removing and undoing the removing of components.
- #4859 [Flow Designer] Hide edit icons in flow properties settings during switching flows.
- #4689 [Flow Designer] Eye enabled when there's content or by default in the flow notes.
- #4790 [Flow Manager] Add auto refresh option that can be configured.
- #4929 [Flow Manager] "Go to flow details" button is shown in flow manager.
- #4887 [Flow Manager] Only get stats for flows that are installed.
- #4694 [Flow Manager] Remove url from 'greyed out' Flowlink buttons.
- #4518 [Flow Manager] Reorganize tabs on the flow details page.
- #4448 [Flow manager] Align text in top of columns in log.
- #4810 [Transactions] Update auto refresh in transactions page to use the new one.
- #4590 [Transactions] Using Between: & and: for filtering time is ambiguous.
- #4589 [Transactions] Misalignment Find:, Between: & And: fields.
- #4588 [Transactions] Show all versions toggle instead of button.
- #4946 [Script] Simple expression in comments.
- #4895 [Script] Annotate 'Validate script' button.
- #4894 [Script] Remove quick insert ($) from Script field and In Body field.
- #4850 [Script] In Headers "key"="value" > "value" not interpreted as a string.
- #4884 [InboundHttps] Add manual endpoint validation.
- #4883 [InboundHttps] Disable endpoint validation to improve performance.
- #319 [Replace] Support for headers in replace component.
- #308 [Google Drive] Add flow/route/step id to flow log.
- #4809 Flow property disappears on click.
- #4939 Flow lifecycle buttons not updated after installation.
- #4936 Wrong color lifecycle buttons.
- #4822 Install error in Flow Manager Details but not in Flow Designer.
- #4812 Unchanged design version timestamp differs from last installed version.
- #4937 [Flow Designer] CMD+click on 'Goto Flow Manager icon' doesn't open in new tab.
- #4918 [Flow Designer] Flow Designer sometimes turns white.
- #4817 [Flow Designer] Sometimes flow configuration is not visible on canvas.
- #4904 [HTTP Component] Unexpected timeout when setting queue timeout.
- #4849 [Content Router] Retain rule when replacing linked component.
- #4832 [Email] Validation error after update.
- #296 [SetBody] Custom flow properties not resolved correctly.
- #315 [Samba] Cannot move file after processing file.
- #314 [Samba] Throws error and failed exchange if no file is found.
UnsupportedReleased on: Wednesday 16 October 2024
Main changes
This release main focus is bugfixes, but it contains a few notable changes:
InboundHttps Component
The InboundHttp has been migrated to InboundHttps, making HTTPS the only available protocol. The InboundHttps also has new default configurations:
- The default value for the Endpoint field is now the flow name, allowing the component to work 'out of the box'.
- The tenant name is now included as part of the URL, making it easily reusable and more human-readable.
Http Component
The retry mechanism in the Http component has been improved:
- It now supports a maximum number of retries, with each retry attempt displayed in the Flow Manager under Transactions and Logs.
- The retry process is no longer interfered with by 5xx messages from the server.
- The Flow Manager Logs now show basic information about 5xx server responses.
Script component
The In Headers, In Properties and In Body fields used for testing are now saved for reuse. Additionally, the In Headers and In Properties fields have placeholders indicating how to configure them.
The BodyType and ExchangePattern are added to the message Properties in the Flow Manager under Transactions.
- #4654 Improve visibility of component names (always show 2 lines).
- #4642 Keep flow group open after flow import.
- #4635 [Http Retry] Fixed interference with response headers.
- #4633 [Save button] Always visible in Flow Designer.
- #4622 Improve flow Version remarks when the Versions column is expanded.
- #4583 [Aggregate] Updated help text.
- #4545 [InboundHttps] Redesigned and renamed component.
- #4538 [Email] Validate the existence of the AccessToken Tenant variable.
- #4535 Flow property values are used when Expression type is set to Constant.
- #4531 [Script] Added placeholderws for In Headers and In Properties.
- #4510 Upgrade to React Flow v12.
- #4303 [Script] In Headers, In Properties and In Body fields are saved when configured.
- #4297 Indicate when the draft version has been saved without creating a new version by using a grey circle and bold text.
- #4209 Improve performance by only fetching all flows in the Flows tab in Flow Designer when necessary.
- #4157 [FlowLink] Added flow version of linked flow to transaction messages in ElasticSearch (with Outbound or Inbound FlowLink components).
- #4002 Enhanced display of flow Version remarks.
- #4757 [Tenant variables] Filter modal closes when entering a value.
- #4701 [Tenant Manager] Visual bug: briefly shows "0" when loading the variables table.
- #4742 [Flow versions] Flow versions with failed to install env are not properly cleaned when version is deleted and installed again.
- #4727 [Flow versions] Fixed bug where 'normal' flows were annotated with "Saved as Flow Component".
- #4725 [Email Settings - Outbound Server] Fields no longer editable.
- #4720 [InboundHttps] Endpoint validation fixed for cases combining variables and text.
- #4716 [Flow Manager] Filter modal closes when the table auto-refreshes.
- #4712 [Transport] Asynchronous (seda), added timeout field to flow Settings.
- #4702 [Validations] Bug when hovering over filter buttons in a specific way, makes the app unclickable.
- #4676 [Flow properties] Fixed loading issue for Flow properties with many in different orders.
- #4664 [RemoveTenantVariable] Avoid removal of static Tenant variable.
- #4644 sslParameter isn't set when a header is used as URL.
- #4631 [Version remarks] Large version remarks cause the Versions tab to resize improperly in the Flow Manager.
- #4630 [Sidebars - Flow Designer] Incorrect tooltip displayed.
- #4629 [Flow Designer] Draft text not shown when expanding the Versions column.
- #4623 [SQL] Test connection not functioning properly.
- #4620 [Flow properties] Fixed sorting issue (first by alphabet including upper-/lowercase and self properties on top of the list again).
- #4619 Static Tenant variables are now not usable inside a flow anymore.
- #4601 [Http] Response code difference between 4.15.1 and 4.17.0.
- #4595 [Transactions] Incorrect link and link text on orange Inbound FlowLink buttons.
- #4579 InboundHttp endpoint uniqueness wrong validation when flows use variables.
- #4573 Flow Manager detail page broken.
- #4571 [Transactions / Flowlinks] First orange Inbound Flowlink button gets overwritten after flow is linking to itself.
- #4570 [Transactions / Flowlinks] Orange Inbound- and Outbound FLowlink buttons 'greyed out' when a flow links to itself
- #4551 [Http] Example flow HTTP request not working due to Host header.
- #4550 [Instance Manager] Unable to delete a Tenant.
- #4549 ${exception} syntax not working as expected.
- #4547 Foreground/background issue with overlapping components.
- #4546 [Http] Unable to set Connection/Socket timeout to 0.
- #4544 [Flow properties] Strange characters appear after editing Flow properties.
- #4540 [Tenant Manager] Bug when saving an empty value in 'Server Settings - Outbound Email'.
- #4539 [Tenant Manager] Incorrect variables loaded in 'Server Settings - Outbound Email' when switching tenants in different tabs.
- #4536 [Email] Inconsistent validation when Authentication Type OAuth2? configuration is enabled.
- #4534 Draft version shows old flow after 'save to draft'.
- #4529 Tenant Switch doesn't always work.
- #4528 Clicking on the Flow Designer tab again doesn't reset the route tab parameter (should return to "Route")
- #4522 Remaining issues with Flow Properties table fixed and optimising it.
- #4075 [Transactions] Refresh icon fails to update the list of running transactions.
- #3964 Content Router rules popup doesn't display in Fullscreen mode.
- #3713 Tag on Tenant variable disappears after updating it with a SetTenantVariable component.
UnsupportedReleased on: Wednesday 4 September 2024
- [SetBody] New component to set the body of message as constant or with a simple expression.
- [Velocity] Don't apply simple expression before apply velocity. For this the SetBody component can be used. Velocity that only use simple expression are automatically migrated to the SetBody component.
- [HTTP] Add options to set the timeout value for creating a connection (ConnectTimeout) and sending messages (SocketTimeout).
- #4418 [HTTP] Add option on Retry to set MaximumRequest (Default is 100 requests).
- #4418 [HTTP] Add validation on use of error route if retry failed requests is enabled.
- #3922 [Email] Support oauth on imap protocol (Google).
- #4333 [Email] Oauth gmail text.
- #229 [SQL] Double insert of backslash if option Escape characters is enabled.
- #2711 [SimpleReplace] Improve performance of simple replace.
- #193 [Split] Improve split aggregate performance.
- #4278 Simple expression Date difference between 4.14.x and 4.16.x
- Java to v21.
- Integration engine, Apache Camel, upgraded to v4
- Broker engine, Apache ActiveMQ, upgrade to v6.
- Spring Boot to v3.3.x.
- [Script] Groovy to v4.0.
- [Script] JavaScript to ECMAScript 2023.
Most of the upgrades are in the backend, so it should not effect your flows. Exception is the Script component. For more information on the upgrades in the Script component refer to our Script Migration Guide.
- #4576 Disable tenant not working.
- #4388 [RabbitMQ]Component is lost from library and flow.
- #4255 [Script] JavaScript and Groovy handling wrong integer type differently.
- #4254 [Script] Not setting body as expected.
- #4332 [Enrich] The enrich with JSON not working when 'bottom' JSON start with an array.
- #187 [Enrich] Connection fails if simple header is used as host url.
UnsupportedReleased on: Wednesday 14 August 2024
- #4250 [Transactions] Add new section properties. This section shows meta information on a transaction step like the size of the body, the size of the headers, the response time and a timestamp.
- #4289 [Transactions] Improve navigation between body, headers and properties of a transaction step.
- #4042 [Transactions] Transactions doesn't show the red / blue dot anymore when it is going 'through' the Error Route or a flow component.
- #4319 [Install logs] Improve error display on the Install logs tab.
- #3733 [Outbound flowlink] Set one way as default.
- #4334 [Scheduler] Updated the help texts.
- #3880 [FTP] Limit the minimum delay to 1000 ms.
- #3862 [Script] Set Groovyscript as default.
- #4238 [Flow Manager] Loading of the flow info page with an invalid version in the URL should result in being directed to the latest version in the list.
- #4512 [Flow Designer] Group collapses after adding a new flow.
- #3993 URL (Address Bar) is more consistent and used to load pages.
- #4282 Better handling invalid values in the url.
- #3394 Rewritten Unit Tests to avoid regressions in the user interface.
- #4324 Improving and cleaning the code based on findings of the unit tests.
- #4371 [Tenant] Previous email settings are displayed after returning to tenant settings.
- #4296 [Versions] Versions not displayed, endless loading spinner.
- #4018 [Versions] Avoid possibility of installing non-validated flow version.
- #4286 [Versions] Flow Manager Details not loading versions.
- #4505 [Canvas] Saving of a flow moves the focus on the canvas to the beginning step of flow.
- #4329 [Flow sidebar] Collapsable list doesn't close when loaded as opened and using "collapse all" button.
- #4272 Show correct tabs when flow component is selected or toggled on/off.
- #4285 [Management Console] ActiveMQ section can't fetch queues with pending exchanges.
- #4421 [Recipient] Not possible to drop a template with recipient component that has no connections on the right.
- #4385 [Content Router] Use of simple header in option field Expression specifying the rule expression.
- #4379 [CSVtoXML] Remove header icon from XML Encoding field.
- #4384 [Filter] Use of simple header in option field Expression specifying how to filter.
- #4380 [JSONtoXML] Remove simple header from option fields.
- #4362 [Recipient] Order changes when copy/pasting (parts of) a flow with a recipient in it.
- #4229 [Script] Out Headers not appearing.
- #4226 [Script] Preview shown in 'Out body' not correct.
- #4223 [Content Router]Temporarily having the same rule name is not possible, but is not visible.
- #4383 [Split] Use of simple header in option field Expression specifying how to split.
- #4259 [Throttling] Add size parameter when Asynchronous transport type is used.
- #4381 [XMLtoExcel] Remove simple header in option field.
- #4203 [XSLT] Converts special characters.
- #4377 [XSLT] Remove simple header icon on URL option.
UnsupportedReleased on: Wednesday 24 April 2024
- #4140 Write migration for manual set cron expressions to set the manual option instead of cron maker.
- #4101 Change limit of repeat interval settings in Schedule and HTTP components (10000 ms).
- #4058 Flow Manager url manipulation.
- #3882 [HC flows]Missing information.
- #4212 Just added tenant is not accessible because of space in the name.
- #4210 Stop flow and change to another flow cause an issue in the Flow versions.
- #4206 Fix context (right-click) menu in Error Route.
- #4204 Fix creation/import of groupless flow to be properly added to the Flows list.
- #4203 XSLT converts special characters.
- #4149 New tenant cannot create flows.
- #193 Improving split-aggregate performance.
- #189 ElasticSearch: Not all messages are stored in ElasticSearch when above certain Size.
- #186 InboundHttpComponent missing from Transaction list.
UnsupportedReleased on: Wednesday 3 April 2024
Main changes
New backend
The backend is migrated from Apache Camel 2 (Karaf) to Apache Camel 3 (Assimbly). This includes new possibilities in the Simple language, upgrade of Groovy from version 2.5 to 3.0 and a new JavaScript engine (ECMAScript-compliant).
Flow version and lifecycle control
Version and lifecycle control (start/suspend/stop) can now be performed directly in the Versions column and is accessible from the Flow Designer as well as the Flow Manager.
Flow Manager Overview
The Flow Manager Overview shows all the flows in one list that can be sorted and filtered. With the flick of a switch you can show/hide uninstalled flows from the list.
Flow Manager Details
Flow Manager Details can now be viewed for every version of a flow, regardless if the flow or flow version is installed or not. New functionality includes an install log, transactions per version and running stats.
New exception expressions
The exception expressions are updated and greatly simplified in Camel 3. Expressions that are used throughout our instances are migrated to the new expressions during the update. The Using exceptions reference page explains exceptions and their expressions in detail.
Removed components
- HL7
- Aleris
- Fmuta
- FlowLink (deprecated)
- Suspend flow
- Split (deprecated)
- Aggregate (deprecated)
- Enrich (deprecated)
- #1763 Check which flows are not installed in an environment.
- #2193 Only show components that can be placed in Route/Error Route in the components list (depending on which tab is selected).
- #2438 Retains component note if copied component is pasted.
- #2927 Toggle on/off component notes.
- #2929 Added possibilities to resize sidebars.
- #3011 WebSockets are replaced by direct interactions.
- #3021 Inbound HTTP component - Show flow(s) with already used endpoint.
- #3031 Show pop up on install error with link to install logs page in Flow Manager Details.
- #3161 Added install logs tab in Flow Manager Details.
- #3185 Flow properties starting with # shouldn't be unique.
- #3186 Replicate GoogleDrive/OAuth2 last changes to Assimbly.
- #3284 Remove attribute on field to ignore password manager integration.
- #3285 Add option to remove all uninstalled versions of a flow.
- #3294 Add seconds to the transactions filter.
- #3301 Show message body in tracelog.
- #3346 PDF component - Detect content-type application-pdf.
- #3350 Improved query response handling in SQL component.
- #3359 Store up to 20 steps in Undo/Redo memory.
- #3365 Limit Undo in component filter field only on focus.
- #3396 Add user option for middle mouse behaviour.
- #3414 Stack trace button in every log line.
- #3463 Added option for duplicating connected rule in Content Router.
- #3469 Full screen mode is optimized
- #3478 Export button is disabled if a flow has no steps.
- #3516 Optimize display component notes.
- #3517 Added select all (CMD + A) in the Actions menu.
- #3526 Improve Flow Manager Details page.
- #3527 Added switch to Flow Manager to show uninstalled flows as well.
- #3528 Optimize canvas layout and buttons if sidebar width is set to its limits.
- #3537 These components are removed: HL7, Aleris, Fmuta, FlowLink (old) and Suspend flow
- #3538 These components are deprecated: Amazon, NLTM2, Set Header, XMLtoEDI and XMLtoEDIFACT Standards
- #3542 Make adding component notes part of Undo/Redo history.
- #3543 Allow some actions during a flow lock by another user.
- #3551 Respect maximum width and height of component note.
- #3563 Undeprecate and rename XmlToJson and JsonToXml.
- #3579 Add "Install" to the quick actions menu.
- #3594 SetHeader(s) component - Avoid using header string as header name.
- #3595 Remove $-button for pattern and exclude in Remove Headers component
- #3622 Remove Fmuta component.
- #3631 Inbound Email component - Set default value for polling interval and add extra protection and validation.
- #3665 Change exception notification flow import.
- #3683 Header ComponentResponseTime shows time between steps now, not the time from the beginning of the transaction.
- #3722 Remove all flow locks after instance startup.
- #3737 In case of a mismatch between frontend and backend a status unknown is introduced.
- #3746 Change Flow Designer navigation.
- #3750 Change Flow Manager Details page navigation.
- #3751 In between or on going statuses are shown in Flow Manager
- #3752 Confirmation on flow install is default, but can be disabled in user's preferences
- #3755 The suspend and resume icons are renewed
- #3756 Version environment labels have an icon to go to the Flow Manager detail pages.
- #3758 Flow notes of a draft version are displayed as version remark
- #3759 Add Edit icon in flow version when used in Flow Manager Details page.
- #3760 Flow versions show created by, created on and version remark when the mouse hovers over the version.
- #3762 The refresh button in the Flow Manager Details page has been moved.
- #3763 Show data of selected version and environment in Flow Manager Details page.
- #3764 A toggle in Flow Manager Details page transactions tab is added to show all versions data.
- #3765 The Flow Designer versions tab component is added to the Flow Manager Details page.
- #3766 Environment tabs in Flow Manager and Flow Manager Details are changed.
- #3767 Flow Manager column names are changed.
- #3768 Substantive revamp of Flow Manager, distinction of groups has been removed, sort and filter options are added.
- #3774 Change Flow Manager navigation.
- #3872 Improve Flow Component label in versions tab to be more distinct from environment buttons.
- #3920 Bring in line size of "Show component notes" and "Hide component notes" icon.
- #3945 Tooltips are added on every action button.
- #3989 De Flow Designer canvas footer has been removed.
- #4001 Improvement of filtering transactions on parts of transaction id and body text.
- #4013 Hide Flow Manager timeout field.
- #4015 Add titles to Flow Manager bullets.
- #4017 Flow Designer remembers last selected flow after switching Tenant on the Instance Manager page.
- #4049 Scheduler component - Improve cron expression maker functionality.
- #4078 Substantive revamp of starting and stopping a flow.
- #4090 Add loading spinner on starting and stopping.
- #4107 Adding a new flow to a group should expand the group.
- #4137 Distinction between inflight messages (in memory) and queued messages in Flow Manager Details
- #3441 Content Router component - Rename rule leads to failures.
- #3442 No change detected after selecting with mouse and mouse with cursor keys.
- #3443 FTP component - Hide move if opt for delete source file
- #3549 Remove locking of flow when there is an unknown component.
- #3572 Improve minimap to update timely.
- #3578 Make loading of Flow Designer error free.
- #3584 Tenant switcher needs to click two times (sometimes).
- #3596 When you Undo quickly after doing some actions and then Redo, you get the wrong data.
- #3601 Clicking a button in the canvas controls loses focus of the canvas resulting in not being able to use shortcuts.
- #3604 CsvToXml component - Add validation on delimiter character.
- #3673 Inbound Email component - polling interval validation issues if using negative numbers.
- #3816 SQL component - TLS setting disappears if SSL is enabled.
- #3879 HTTP component - Tenant variable of URL not found.
- #3957 Create a new flow with the same name as the previous flow in a different group leads to a wrong flow name validation.
- #3974 Inbound Email component - Polling interval bug when using a Flow property.
- #3975 Fix Flow Manager page header position.
- #3552 Migration Script for 4.15.0.
- #3624 Migration Script - JsonToXmlCurrent component & XmlToJsonCurrent component.
- #4136 Migration script for simple expressions (exception expressions).
Supported Application Components GuidesReleased on: Wednesday 10 July 2024
Updates and fixes
- SetOAuth component - Add support for Google authentication.
- Email component - Support Google oAuth on imap protocol.
UnsupportedReleased on: Tuesday 26 March 2024
Updates and fixes
- HTTP component - Add advanced option to use a custom date header.
- Samba component - Unable to install new flow with dropped samba component.
UnsupportedReleased on: Wednesday 7 February 2024
Updates and fixes
- FTP component - Private key file upload not saving.
- FTP component - SFTP with private key installation failure.
- Flow with flow component with deprecated xml to json component fails on install
UnsupportedReleased on: Wednesday 15 November 2023
Updates and fixes
- OAuth component - Redirect URL remains the same original url after flow import.
- Install flows with flow components with Recipient, Wiretap or Content Router is not possible.
- Flow Component copy & paste - reuses the old id on the component.
- Exchanges of a transaction are unable to load after related flow version removal.
UnsupportedReleased on: Wednesday 1 November 2023
Updates and fixes
- NTLM component - Don't proceed when httpEntity is null.
- SFTP component - Support latest FTP Library (jsch).
- SQL component - New field instance is available when the database type is SQL Server.
- SQL component - Validate endpoint - escapedChars param should escapeChars.
UnsupportedReleased on: Tuesday 6 September 2023
Updates and fixes
- Transactions which happen in a flow component are invisible.
- Reconnecting a component after removing multiple intermediate components isn't possible.
- Fix of migration script of variables to new names since 4.14.3.
- The inheritage of flow components flow properties is fixed.
UnsupportedReleased on: Tuesday 8 August 2023
Renaming of variables
The variables used within Dovetail have been renamed to make a clear distinction between the various types, their role and scope.
- Header variable --> Message header or just Header
A dynamic variable on message level in memory. - Flow variable --> Flow property
A static variable stored on flow level in the configuration. - Global variable --> Tenant variable
A dynamic variable stored on tenant level in the database.
Read more about these changes on the using variables in Dovetail page.
Flow Designer updates and fixes
- Added mouse actions (on canvas)
- Multiple select components on canvas at once by using the mouse (left mouse click + drag).
- Zooming by using the mouse (Spacebar or Ctrl + mouse scroll down).
- Moving the canvas with the mouse (Spacebar + drag left mouse or drag right mouse).
- Keyboard shortcuts (on canvas)
- Ctrl/CMD + x : Cut selected components.
- Ctrl/CMD + c : Copy selected components.
- Ctrl/CMD + v : Paste selected components.
- Ctrl/CMD + d : Duplicate selected components.
- Ctrl/CMD + s : Save a flow.
- Ctrl/CMD + i : Install a flow (only possible when the flow is saved).
- Ctrl/CMD + z : Undo latest action on a flow.
- Ctrl/CMD + SHIFT + z : Redo undo action on a flow (Mac).
- Ctrl + y : Redo undo action on a flow (Windows).
- Ctrl/CMD + a : Select all.
- Delete/Backspace : Delete selected components.
- When there is nothing to be copied yet, the paste button in "Actions" menu in Flow Designer canvas is disabled.
- Solved empty canvas after import flow.
- If switching to a tenant without flows the version list of the previous tenant is updated now.
- Request to save changed flow after tenant switch.
- Removed endless loading spinner in the versions tab when loading a tenant without flows.
- The draft version of the flow opens after removing the uninstalled version you are working in.
- Allowable variables can be inserted quickly in the configuration of flow components by clicking the related icon and defining the variable name. The quick insert tool will add the proper syntax for the variable for you. Use the $ icon to add (Message) Headers, the # icon to add Flow properties and the @ icon to add Tenant variables to a component's configuration field.
- Fixed in some pop ups: Adjustments in toggle boxes disappear after leaving pop up.
- Pop ups: Use "Enter" keyboard shortcut to Create a new flow (in the "Create a new flow" pop up).
Component updates and fixes
- Outbound Flowlink - Select the flow by group and name.
- OAuth2 component - Set tokenName with access token on info endpoint.
- SQL component - On each call of the component the drivers list on DriverManager will not increment anymore.
- Scheduler component - Add validations on Repeat Count and Repeat Interval (with default value).
- Scheduler component - Add missing combinations in cron help.
Other updates and fixes
- General: Clearer notification if websockets do not work properly (caused by LAN or WAN settings or pop up blockers).
- Flow Manager - Header with boolean value visible in tracelog now.
- Flow Manager - Install logs tab in Flow Details is hidden after browser refresh (Not used yet).
- Flow Manager - Data in Flow Details on the detail tab when switching between tabs is updated now.
- Tenant Manager - Update 'Remove user' pop up text and buttons.
- Tenant Manager - Editing user role doesn't remove user from Users table on save now.
- Tenant Manager - Extend the Date created and Date last modified of a Dovetail account with the time.
- Tenant Manager - Update 'Remove tenant' button, pop up text and pop up.
- Settings - Improve saving adjusted variables.
- Settings - Retain filter setting at environment switch.
- Settings - Importing Global variables, process of import JSON export for the second time is improved.
- Settings - Importing Global variables, created/updated at/by fields are not empty anymore.
- Instance settings - Fix academy link for the instance settings page pop up.
- Queue size error in asynchronous mode.
UnsupportedReleased on: Tuesday 13 June 2023
Flow Designer updates and fixes
- Selected components can be duplicated in one single operation by the right-click action "Duplicate" or Ctrl or Command + d.
- Easier delete of flow versions (Delete multiple selected flow versions at once).
- Prevent accidental creation of a second version during the flow installation process.
- Remove components only in the selected tab (elements that are selected in other flow tabs are not removed).
- Show recipient and content router tags always visible on top of connection lines.
- Show validation message of flow variable per environment in components
- Improve dragging connections with labels.
- Switch component connection by drag doesn't update flow data.
- Load flow only after clicking version number.
- Flow components from versions before 4.14.1 cannot be dragged onto the canvas when they have flow notes.
- In error route: rule cannot be removed once it has been connected once.
Other updates and fixes
- Improving the import of flows.
- Choose the flow file to import first instead of the name of the flow.
- Name of the flow gets automatically filled based on filename.
- Styling of the buttons to select files is the same as other files select buttons in Dovetail.
- Add notification if the flow name is too long.
- Importing a flow into a tenant that does not yet have any flows is enabled.
- Show transactions when only one transaction is available.
- Fix: It's not possible to activate a blocked account.
- Fix: Sometimes tenant settings are empty.
- OAuth component:
- Added Custom and Google Drive options in Credentials Type.
- Enable Authorise button if credentials are not yet authorised.
- Automatically show needed fields when Google Drive credentials type is selected.
- Fix to update global variables.
- Inbound and outbound Google Drive component: Added new field (AccessToken).
- SFTP component: Fix notification when entering password without private key and missing default value File Exists.
- Email component: Split with comma for multiple email addresses is not allowed for a combination of header, flow variable and email address.
- SQL component: When switching between advanced tab and back, the values aren't saved correctly.
- Activate blocked user account has been enabled.
- Added loading spinner in versions tab while larger versions are loading.
UnsupportedReleased on: Monday 15 May 2023
Flow Designer updates
- Option to show the Flow Designer (canvas) full screen.
- First input field is now automatically selected when opening the component configuration.
- Input fields in component configuration show the following icons ($, # and @) in the background to indicate which type of variable(s) can be used in that field.
- Remove connection between components by clicking on the arrow (an arrow icon is shown).
- Flows can be connected in reverse order, from right to left, as well.
- Several optimizations to save a flow, for example if you leave a flow without saving it first.
- Renamed "Save changes" to "Save".
- Renamed "Install flow" to "Install".
- "Save" added to right-click actions
- Removed 'Save selected components' and replaced the functionality by a right-click action: "Create template".
- Selected components can be removed in one single operation by the right-click action "Remove" or Ctrl or Command + backspace.
- Clarification of options when leaving an unsaved flow.
- Limit the length of flow name to 35 characters max.
- Show versions tab by default when opening the Flow Designer.
- Show selected components in the minimap.
- Notifications:
- Avoid the notification "You have unsaved changes" after opening the settings of a component.
- No notifications shown on saving anymore.
- Clearer notification when saving changes on a previous installed version and so overwrite the draft version.
- Show a notification if the set maximum number of production flows to install is reached.
Other updates
- Settings - Replaced "Environment variables" with "Flow variables".
- User preferences
- Add the option to disable the minimap.
- Add the option to set the position of the minimap.
- Add the option to show less notifications.
- Changed the default set preferences.
- A new Super Admin account will be linked to the instance's default tenant.
- Flow Manager: Show better indication when transactions or Flow Details are still loading.
- OAuth component:
- Avoid setting empty values on global variables when getting access and refresh tokens.
- Avoid smashing or setting the access token on a global variable all the time. Set only when it's not empty and different from the old value.
- Add more logs when the server message contains an error.
- Google Drive component - Upgraded the oAuth flow.
- Outbound flowlink component - compel Transport type sequential in synchronous flow
- Script component - improved the behaviour for editing large scripts
- Replace component - space cannot be replaced.
- Validate on empty flow variables on saving/installing.
- Script component - fixed validating script with a flow variable
Deprecated components
- Aleris
- Hl7
- XmlToEdi
- XmlToEdifactStandards
UnsupportedReleased on: Thursday 13 April 2023
- Frontend - Migration of the frontend framework from Backbone to React.
- Flow Designer - New canvas:
- The canvas is boundless, there are no limits to create flows horizontally or vertically.
- Minimap for easy navigation.
- Lines between components are by default curved (option to switch back to straight lines).
- With the combination shift and hold the mouse you can easily select and drag (a part of) the flow
- Zoom in and zoom out
- Drag and move canvas
- Components can also be connected from right to left.
- Route tabs are now coloured red when they are invalid.
- Flow versions are now shown from latest to oldest.
- Versions and validations bar is always visible on the right.
- Added a custom page leave modal when switching between tabs.
- The flow validations are shown for both Route and Error Route tabs (previously only the opened tab).
- Validations that were about a flow in general are now about a specific tab in a flow.
- Every table inside a component has tooltip error messages to precisely indicate errors.
- Content Router - The component shows only the available and valid rules to select in the connection modal. (Previously all the rules were shown even after they were connected.)
- Flow Settings - The settings have validations to show if they are valid or not.
- Component and flow notes stored per flow version.
- Notes are added to the flow component.
- Depending on selected settings, available options are displayed in the component.
UnsupportedReleased on: Wednesday 4 January 2023
- HTTP component - NTLM processor fix.
UnsupportedReleased on: Thursday 1 December 2022
- Update Java to the latest version. This is to get the latest security patches and certificates. The change also includes switching from AdoptJDK to Eclipse Temurin as the the base Docker image (openjdk:8-jdk -> eclipse-temurin:8-jdk-alpine).
- Update Amazon component tests.
UnsupportedReleased on: Friday 20 October 2022
- #2397 SetOAuth2Token component: Set Scope setting to optional. Added Refresh Token Delay setting to define how many seconds before the expiry date of the access token it is allowed to be refreshed.
- #537 SetOAuth2Token component: error responses generated by the component's requests are now pushed to the logging
- #2403 SetOAuth2Token component: functions properly now if a Tenant name has spaces in it.
UnsupportedReleased on: Friday 30 September 2022
- #2288 SetOAuth2Token component: New component to set OAuth2 token.
- #1789 EmailInbound component: Support for OAuth2.
- #533 SetVariable component: fix for xpath expressions.
- #23 Http component: Fix to read Global variables dynamically.
UnsupportedReleased on: Monday 20 June 2022
- #1090 Settings: Export and import variables. This improvement make it possible to export variables in global settings to a json file and import this file.
- #2094 Settings: Select global variables in order to tag all selected variables at once.
- #508 SetVariable component: Support for simple expressions in 'Global variable' and 'value' fields.
- #508 GetVariable component: Support for simple expressions in 'Global variable' and 'name' fields.
- #494 HTTP component: Validate if a http/https URL is valid.
- #2091 HTTP component: Add methods OPTIONS and TRACE.
- #2060 Outbound Flowlink component: If Transport type is queues and the request-reply option is chosen, hide own flow name in list of flows.
- #2076 HTTP component: Global variables are being interpreted on http component url.
- #2082 HTTP component: Support for large HTTP Headers (to avoid HTTP error 502) and add a clearer error page.
- #1824 SOAP component: The component now logs an error message when the WSDL file isn't valid. Related to ticket #514: SOAP component - throw WSDLException when WSDL is not found.
- #2072 Content Router: When a Flow component was only connected to one of the expressions of the Content Router the flow doesn't work, the otherwise always have to be conected to a next component.
- #1552 FLV component: Fields settings are only partially imported.
- #2119 File component: File is deleted despite user wants to keep it.
- #2099 Flow Manager: Refresh button only works if transaction line isn't opened.
- #2102 Flow Manager: Information on Detail tab not refreshed after switching to another tab.
Other changes
- #361 New NGINX configuration for proxy buffer and new error page.
- #516 Enlarge timeout when connecting to ActiveMQ (to avoid negociation errors).
- #516 Enlarge queuesize for asynchronous flows and block if the queue is full (instead of printing an error).
- #1637 ActiveMQ and Elasticsearch update dependencies (security).
UnsupportedReleased on: Wednesday 23 March 2022
General Improvements
- #1839 Enhanced transport mechanism for Flows and Flowlinks. In addition to synchronous and queues, also asynchronous is now supported. More info on the transport mechanism in Flows documentation and Flow link documentation.
- #1783 Redesign of the global variables on the Settings page.
- #465 Better default performance profile. Improving general performance.
- #1841 Add support for Constant (fixed values) and Groovy expressions for the setHeader/setHeaders component.
- Add JsonPath support for:
- #469 The setHeader/setHeader component.
- #1849 The contentRouter component.
- #1854 The filter component.
Components Improvements and Fixes
- Various fixes and improvements for the SQL component:
- #455 Add a default column name when it's empty.
- #456 Using ${body} is now possible to use in a SQL query.
- #457 SQL component now accepts all kind of operations.
- #458 Escape JSON strings, that may exist on a SQL query.
- #459 Support sha256 protected passwords for MySQL version 8.
- #462/#1817 Add TLS version into SQL component, for MySQL databases.
- #1807 Migrate SQL component to React.
- #471 Invalid XML characters #1003 - new regex to validate column names.
- Various fixes and improvements for the HTTP component:
- #1965 #138 New option to set a custom user agent.
- #1915 Fix retry mechanism for dynamic URLs.
- #1911 Cast exception on HTTP Inbound call with the instance.
- #1900 HTTP connection resets - Include onException SocketException.
- #1823 FTP initial delay set to default of 60000ms.
- #1733 Throttling component - minimum time period validation.
- #491 Simple Replace component - Problem with blank response solved.
- #476 EnrichCurrent component - Add Use Error Route as option.
Other Changes/Fixes
- #1834 Flowlinks - add block and timeout arguments when using synchronous. (fewer timeouts when linked flow isn't started yet).
- #1775 Delay issue when sending messages from multiple flows using queues as transport mechanism.
- #1846 Installing an existing flow (undefined error).
- #485 Update jcifs library (for better support of the SMB-3 protocol and blocking of SMB-1 version).
- #482 Change the limit of jms max reconnection attempts to 10 instead of unlimited.
- From this release we start to modernize our technology stack. Our first step was to migrate the user interface. The Flow Manager, Tenant Manager, Instance Manager and Settings are migrated to the React Framework. Also, various components were migrated. More in the next release.
UnsupportedReleased on: Wednesday 30 June 2021
We reverted some changes that didn't work as expected which caused some components to behave in a weird way after a restart of the back-end.
UnsupportedReleased on: Thursday 27 May 2021
- #1690 We improved the memory allocation in the back-ends.
- #1675 We fixed a bug that made it impossible to search on breadcrumbId's in the transactions of an installed flow.
UnsupportedReleased on: Wednesday 12 May 2021
New features
- #1579 We updated Elastic Search to the latest version. This also means that the flow logging and tracing will be reset after updating to this version. In combination with the update we also improved the processes that store logging and tracing so that it will be faster and more reliable. The new version also introduces a lot of new improvements and bugfixes which will benefit the stability and reliablity of the system.
- #1629 + #1648 We updated ActiveMQ to the latest version and at the same time we also improved the configuration for it. The improved configuration will remove some warnings that were reported in the flow logging and it allows flows to properly reconnect their queues when a connection fails. The new version also introduces a lot of new improvements and bugfixes which will benefit the stability and reliablity of the system.
- #1563 We made several improvements to the health checks:
- The flow bundles reports now also detects flows that failed to install or are still installing. This will also show up in our monitoring.
- The AMQ report now timeouts after 30 seconds, because when ActiveMQ is under heavy load it could take too long to get the information which would trigger a NGINX timeout. This ensures that the general health check always returns the other reports.
- The Dovetail version has been added to the instance report.
- #1636 We added a new option to the Excel to XML component that allows to disregard empty lines/sequences so that they are not included in the resulting XML.
- #1645 We reduced the logging of some components so that the flow logging shows more useful logs. These components are:
UnsupportedReleased on: Wednesday 24 february 2021
- #1490 We made some improvements to the flow versions in the Flow Designer:
- Installed versions are fetched asynchronously instead of synchronously.
- The versions tab now has a loading indicator for fetching the list of flow versions and for fetching the installed flow versions.
- #1563 We made some improvements to the health reports:
- Response status is now always
200 OK
. - Ignore some warnings in the ActiveMQ report that are not important.
- Issues in a report are now returned inside an array instead of in a string.
- Response status is now always
- #1577 We added a new advanced option to the HTTP component that allows to decouple the Dovetail managed SSL certificates store. In very rare cases this could be necessary.
- #1558 We fixed the encoding error of special characters in environment variables and encrypted global variables.
- #1606 We fixed a bug in the Throttling component and in the Retry mechanism of the HTTP component that could cause the mixing of headers between exchanges.
UnsupportedReleased on: Monday 1 february 2021
New features
- #1440 We added a new RabbitMQ component.
- #1424, #1507, #1563 We improved the reports that are generated by the health check endpoints.
- #1571 Files placed on the server by the File component will now survive an update of Dovetail. This is enabled after updating to this version so updating from 4.9.0 to 4.10.0 will not keep the files, but updating from 4.10.0 to 4.11.0 will keep the files.
- #1110 We now show the actual tracing setting of the installed flow in the Flow Manager and not of the last saved version.
- #1545 We fixed a bug that caused an error in the Excel to XML component when the selected range contained empty cells.
- #1569 We improved the calculation of the pending exchanges. In very rare cases it was not accurate and could lead to pending exchanges not being processed by the Throttling component.
- #1413 We fixed a bug in the JSON to XML component that caused nested arrays to not be processed correctly and in turn this caused missing data in the resulting XML.
- #1334 We fixed a bug in the XML to JSON component that caused namespace attributes to not be removed properly which generated an error.
- #1564 We fixed the configuration for sending user creation and forget password e-mails.
UnsupportedReleased on: Wednesday 9 december 2020
New features
- #1520 We added new EDIFACT transformations to the EDIFACT Standards to XML component and we also have new transformations from XML to EDIFACT Standards so we have created a new XML to EDIFACT standards component for that.
- #915 We made several improvements to the FTP component:
- Add options to sort on name or data.
- Add option to only process a certain amount of files on each poll.
- Add option to move picked files to an error folder when there is an error.
- Add option to upload the private key file instead of specifying a path.
- Add option to switch between charset and binary.
- Allow both password and private key file to be specified for SFTP authentication.
- #1481 We added a lot of new UN/EDIFACT formats to the EDIFACT to XML component and the XML to EDIFACT component.
- We made some improvements to the HTTP component:
- #1495 We added a new authentication method called
Mutual SSL
which allows to authenticate with API's via a password protected private certificate. - #1510 We added a new HTTP method
Delete with body
. - #1530 We deprecated the NTLMv2 component and added a new authentication method for NTLM to the HTTP component.
- #1540 We improved the working of the retry mechanism.
- We improved the certificate validation of more advanced HTTPS URL's.
- #1495 We added a new authentication method called
UnsupportedReleased on: Thursday 28 October 2020
- We fixed two bugs in the Throttling component:
- #1499 A synchronous flow with a Throttling component could not be installed.
- #1508 The Throttling component now always needs a connection on the right to prevent mistakes which could lead to increased disk space usage caused by unprocessable messages.
- We fixed a two bugs related to the retry mechanism of the HTTP component:
- #1500 It didn't work properly in synchronous flows.
- #1505 The
Exclude headers
didn't work together with the retry mechanism. Excluded headers were not set back after the HTTP request.
- #1503 We fixed a bug that corrupted passwords with certain symbols in the SQL component. This caused the login to fail when it was running in a flow.
- #1511 We fixed a bug in the File, FTP and Samba components so that the
andInitial delay
fields are not validated when theForce inbound
is set toYes
. - #1512 The File, FTP and Samba components in older flows will get a proper default value for the
Force inbound
field. - #1514 We fixed a styling bug that caused the tenant dropdown to be overlapped by the validations sidebar in the Flow Designer.
UnsupportedReleased on: Thursday 15 October 2020
- We improved the calculation of the completed, pending and failed exchanges in the statistics for the Flow Manager. The statistics are calculated in the background and not on demand. This decreases the load time of the Flow Manager when many flows are installed. This also means that the shown statistics can be a bit "older", because they aren't calculated on demand. The statistics can still be requested on demand for each flow by going to the details of a flow.
UnsupportedReleased on: Tuesday 29 September 2020
New features
- #1411 We added new connection settings to the HTTP component so that the throughput can be increased/decreased depending on how many messages the endpoint can handle. The defaults of these settings are set in the server configuration so we can increase/decrease them when needed. When we do this before the deploy of this release all HTTP components will get the new defaults, but when we change it after the deploy of this release only the new and not opened HTTP components will get the new defaults.
- #1464 Now we show
instead ofundefined (#undefined)
while the data of a flow is being fetched on the Flow Details page. - #1471 The navigation bar is now sticky. When you scroll down on longer page (e.g. Flow Manager, settings,...) the navigation bar will stay at the top of the screen.
- #1220 + #1300 We improved the Throttling component. The messages are now stored in a queue in ActiveMQ instead of in memory. This reduces the memory consumption of the component when throttling many messages. Because of this change simple expressions don't work anymore in the Max requests field.
- #1463 We fixed a bug that caused warning messages from ActiveMQ to show up in the flow logging for components with exchange pattern options that are set to
One way
. - #1464 We fixed a bug that caused an error message to show up in Flow Details page when switching tabs while the details were still loading. This error message should only show up when flow data is not loaded correctly, but in this case all flow data still loaded correctly.
UnsupportedReleased on: Friday 11 September 2020
New features
- #1304 We added a
pending exchanges
flow statistic to the Flow Manager tables. This will show you how many messages each flow is still processing. This also replaces the high load notifications. - #1381 The HTTP component has a new user interface that provides better support for the user when configuring the component. It also has a new retry mechanism that can be turned on to store and retry requests that failed because the HTTP endpoint was unavailable.
- #1443 It is now possible to increase the amount of concurrent connections that each HTTP component can open. This increases the throughput of all HTTP components that are running in flows. Please note that this has to be configured by us in the server configuration and needs a redeploy to apply it to all running HTTP components.
- #1380 We improved the user interface and user experience of the File component, FTP component and the Samba component. Only the settings that apply will show up now to avoid confusion. This provides better support for the user when configuring the component. The component can either be inbound or outbound based on how it is connected to other components in the flow. There is also a new option
Force inbound
that can be used to consume files in the middle of a flow without putting it below an Enrich component. - #1408 The format of the Inbound HTTP URL's has been changed for better compatability with planned changes in Dovetail. The older formats are still supported, but are not shown in the UI anymore.
- #1410 We added automatic cleanup of stale messages in queues of ActiveMQ. Messages that stay in a queue for 24 hours will be removed.
- #1166 The max body size of the Inbound HTTP component has been increased from 1MB to 10MB. We also made it possible to increase this by changing a configuration setting in the server configuration. Please contact us if you need a higher body size.
- #1391 Support special characters in the password of the Samba component.
- #1438 The NTLMv2 component now also supports HTTPS URL's.
UnsupportedReleased on: Monday 18 May 2020
- #1186 We added a new
Exclude headers
option to the HTTP component. It allows to exclude specific headers from the exchange so they are not included in the HTTP requests. - #1199 The FailedExchange component doesn't retry failed exchanges by default anymore. We set the
. - #1241 The HTTPS URL's of the Inbound HTTP now don't include a specific port anymore and look nicer. This also improves the support for applications that don't support setting specific ports on URL's.
- Attention: existing (old) URL format still works so it is not necessary to change the existing URL's. See Using Inbound HTTPS in the Inbound HTTP documentation.
- #1248 Better response status handling in the NTLMv2 component. The correct response status is returned when there was an error.
- #1312 Properties modals of components that have an updated UI can now also be stretched vertically instead of only horizontally.
- #1326 We updated the Samba component:
- It can now be properly used in combination with the Enrich component.
- It now supports version 2 of the SMB protocol.
- #1347 When the Recipient component is set to
Request reply
it now indicates which recipient will be used as response to the caller. - #1358 The input labels are a bit bolder in the component properties modals with an updated UI.
- #1364 We made two improvements for the Excel to XML component:
- The XML Node names don't have to be unique anymore.
- Invalid XML characters will be filtered out from the header row values automatically, when the
Has header row
option is enabled.
- #1371 Remove some AMQ settings which limited the amount of components that could be used in a flow.
- #1377 We made some small improvements in the SOAP component:
- Higher connection and socket timeouts when fetching WSDL's for slower SOAP services.
- Better logging related to the SOAP WSDL cache.
- #999 We fixed the format of the datetime values of the
Last completed exchange
andLast failed exchange
in the details view of a flow in the Flow Manager. - #1114 The password editor in the Tenant Manager mail settings doesn't show the passwords in plain text anymore.
- #1288 The root tag and array element name validations in the JSON to XML Current component are now only executed when the correspondig inputs are visible.
- #1249 We fixed a bug that caused Dovetail to set session cookies with a fixed expiration date in the browser. This could lead to users not being able to login after some time.
- #1346 We fixed the behaviour of the Recipient component when it is set to
One way
. The incoming body will be properly returned now.
UnsupportedReleased on: Wednesday 1 April 2020
- #1244 We removed the Bol component, because it still used the deprecated API of The Bol API is now simpler so a custom component is not necessary anymore.
- #1306 We added the following new marketplace regions to the Amazon component:
- Netherlands
- United Arab Emirates
- Saudi Arabia
- Singapore
- #1322 We now import the groovy-json module so its functions can be used in the Script component.
- #1247 We fixed the URL of the NTLMv2 component. Whitespaces are now allowed in it.
- #1248 We fixed the error codes of the NTLMv2 component. It now returns the correct error code when the request failed.
UnsupportedReleased on: Wednesday 18 March 2020
- #1293 We fixed a bug in the Split component related to the changes we made for the exchange pattern option. Along with this we also made some other improvements related to exchange patterns.
UnsupportedReleased on: Tuesday 17 March 2020
- #1273 The Email component now supports binary body as an attachment.
- #1293 The components with an exchange pattern option now give back a response to the caller before being routed as an
One way
UnsupportedReleased on: Friday 6 March 2020
- #1141 The Excel to XML component now generates
elements instead ofexcelRow
elements when thetranspose
option is enabled.
- #1282 We added an exchange pattern option to the Content Router component.
- #1141 The Excel to XML component has a new option so that the header row of an Excel document can be used to name the XML elements.
- #1223 + #1283 We fixed the manual validation of expressions in the Content Router component and the Set Headers component.
- #1277 We fixed a bug which caused some Groovy Scripts to fail after restarting the back-end.
UnsupportedReleased on: Wednesday 27 february 2020
New features
- #1155 We addded new components to consume files from and upload files to Google Drive: the Inbound Google Drive component and the Outbound Google Drive component.
- #354 We updated our Camel version to
. - #1168 The Split component now sets some headers on each splitted message which can be helpful. Information about these new headers has been added to the Split component documentation.
- We added an Exchange pattern option to the Split component.
- #1252 The XML JSON current component has a new option to remove the root object from the JSON output.
UnsupportedReleased on: Monday February 3 2020
- #853 We improved the Inbound e-mail component with a new
option that allows you to process both the body and attachments of an e-mail.
- #1242 We fixed a bug in the Outbound Flow Link component that caused wrong behavior when used at the bottom of a Split component.
UnsupportedReleased on: Thursday January 23 2020
- #1154, #1174, #1188, #1202 #1214 #1230 Multiple improvements for the new XML JSON components:
- XML to JSON: add a new type hint
. - XML to JSON: XML attributes are prefixed with
in the resulting JSON. - XML to JSON: XML attributes other than
also show up when XML node hastype
attribute. - XML to JSON: fix bug that caused XML nodes with name "type" to not show up or weird JSON output.
- JSON to XML: The name of the root tag can now be customized.
- JSON to XML: JSON with a root array is now supported.
- JSON to XML: new option to change the name of the array elements in the resulting XML.
- Refactored the back-end code for improved performance.
- XML to JSON: add a new type hint
- #1053 We improved the processing of attachments for the Inbound email component. When content option
is selected it will also process the body when there are no attachments in an email. - #1206 The Recipient component now always shows the order of how messages are routed and it has a new option to determine the routing behavior.
- #1148 FTP components with the FTPS protocol now support SSL Session reuse which is required by some FTPS servers since it also improves security.
- #1190 Give the Split component a fixed exchange pattern. This ensure that the component always has the same expected behavior. In some flows the components before a splitter could set a different exchange pattern which caused the splitter to changes its behavior.
UnsupportedReleased on: Friday November 15 2019
New features
- #165, #789, #1058, #1083, #1106 We divided the Flow link component into a Inbound flow link component and a Outbound flow link component. We did this to make it easier to use and fix some issues with it. The original Flow link component is now deprecated.
- #973 We added an S-flag parameter to the Replace component that enables the dotall mode.
- #1176 We added an exchange pattern option to the Inbound HTTP component, so it would work better together with the new flow link components.
- #343 We improved the memory settings for ActiveMQ which results in better overall stability.
- #1080 We fixed the CRON input of the Scheduler component so that the selected day is also the day on which the scheduler will run. For example: you had to schedule a CRON job on Wednesday if you really want to run it on Tuesday.
UnsupportedReleased on: Wednesday September 25 2019
- #988 We fixed the bug that caused errors in the Set Global Variable component when the message body contained the dollar symbol (
). - #1145 Regression: the fix for slow saves in the Flow Designer was omitted by mistake in release 4.6.0 and is now added back.
UnsupportedReleased on: Thursday September 19 2019
New features
- #1022 New Excel to XML component. It allows you to transform parts of Excel files into XML. Checkout the documentation to learn more.
- #173 New and improved JSON to XML and XML to JSON components. These should provide better transformations for XML and JSON and solves some issues. The old JSON to XML and XML to JSON components are deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
- #1023 Two new endpoints for sending/receiving HL7 messages:
- Inbound HL7 component
- Outbound HL7 component
- #1057 We improved the tracer and fixed some issues along the way:
- The order of transaction messages is now correct. They follow the order in which the messages were sent between the components.
- It is faster. Heavy flows now won't be affected when they have tracing enabled.
- It doesn't interfere with flows anymore. In some situations the tracer could change the behaviour of a flow.
UnsupportedReleased on: Wednesday September 18 2019
In this release we fixed two bugs for the Inbound HTTP component:
- #1091 The validation for the endpoints is improved. It now ignores differences in casing. For example:
will be the same asTEST
. When two flows would be installed with these endpoints, only one of them would get called. - #1103 The combination of an environment variable as
andMatch prefix?
set to true would cause an error when validating other Inbound HTTP components. This error would cause most of the Inbound HTTP components to become invalid in the other flows.
UnsupportedReleased on: Wednesday September 12 2019
- #1082 We fixed an exception caused by the Replace component that occured when it processed an exchange before it was sent to an HTTP component.
- #1123 We fixed a bug that occured after saving a flow. In some cases this could cause the user interface to completely freeze causing the page to become unresponsive.
UnsupportedReleased on: Tuesday August 6 2019
- #865 The validations of the Set Headers component and Content Router component in the Flow Designer has been improved. Expressions with environment variable placeholders will be validated in the same way as expressions without environment variable placeholders.
- #865 The tooltip that shows up when hovering environment variable placeholders now shows the value of the environment variable for each environment. Before it only showed the value for the test environment.
- #1035 The tooltip that shows up when hovering environment variable placeholders now works better when there are multiple environment variable placeholders. It now shows the values for all the placeholders.
- #1047 We have made several improvements in the amount of threads Dovetail uses on the server:
- #1002 We fixed the alert that appeared when leaving a flow that has unsaved changes. It showed the code instead of executing it.
- #1039 We fixed an issue where the connection test of the SQL component could fail when it shouldn’t because of special symbols in the username, host, password or database name.
- #1033 We fixed an issue with the EDIFACT to XML component where it could generate some errors while processing exchanges.
UnsupportedReleased on: 13 June 2019
- #1019 Due to the upgrade of Camel it handles Byte Order Marks differently. This caused issues in the FMUTA component resulting in missing output. This has been fixed now together with the radio button that didn't seem to work properly.
UnsupportedReleased on: 7 June 2019
- #1012 + #1013 Update some front-end dependencies to fix security vulnerabilities.
- #303 We upgraded Camel again to version
to fix a bug related to the FTP component whenSFTP
is used.
UnsupportedReleased on: 5 June 2019
- #995 We improved the validation of the endpoint in the Inbound HTTP component.
- #986 We improved some statistics of the health check:
- ActiveMQ check now also returns the status
if things are really going wrong. - The flow bundle report now also reports if there are stopped flow bundles.
- The thread counts are checked better now and will return
status when reaching certain tresholds.
- ActiveMQ check now also returns the status
- #991 We improved the caching of the JavaScript files and CSS files in the browser.
- #299 We upgraded Camel to version
- #286 + #298 We fixed some bugs and refactored some code in the SOAP component.
- #300 We now also support the
SQL operation in the SQL component so it can be properly used with theOracle 12c
database type. - #801 We fixed a bug that caused the copying and pasting of a Recipient component to not work properly. It would cause an error when trying to install the flow that contained the pasted recipient.
- #949 We fixed a bug that made it possible to create flow groups with duplicate names.
- #975 We fixed the password validation when activating a new user. Some passwords were marked as invalid while they were valid to use.
- #976 We fixed the bug that would cause a new Split component to be replaced with a deprecated Split component when a flow was imported.
UnsupportedReleased on: 7 May 2019
- #964 We fixed a bug for the SQL component which made it impossible to connect to a SQL database of the type
SQL Server
. - #909 We fixed some logic of some components which should resolve the problem that some flows would not be restarted after a deployment or server restart.
- #971 We improved the
File type in the Enrich component so it throws a useful exception when the body that comes out of the bottom route is empty.
- #292 We added thread count and peak to the Karaf report of the health API.
UnsupportedReleased on: 17 April 2019
New Features
- The NTLMv2 component now supports simple expressions to create dynamic URL's.
- We improved/added the threadpool settings which should increase the stability of the Dovetail system.
- We split our queueing system per environment so asynchronous flows from test can't take down the queueing system of the production flows anymore.
UnsupportedReleased on: 19 April 2019
- #964 We fixed a bug in the SQL component that made it not possible to connect to
SQL Server
type databases.
UnsupportedReleased on: 12 April 2019
Starting from this version there is a deprecated version of the Split component, because the new version also has the improved Aggregation strategy which can change default behavior.
New Features
- #166 It is now possible to see the logs and transactions of uninstalled flows in the Flow Manager.
- #938 We added two options to the Inbound HTTP component which improve the usability.
- #826 We added the
option to the Aggregate component so you can also set a timeout for thecompletionCount
- #918 We fixed the behavior of the new Enrich component when a FTP component is connected to the bottom.
UnsupportedReleased on: 8 March 2019
New Features
- #806 The SQL component now supports
andIBM Informix
- #867 The Split component now also puts aggregated tags around a single aggregated message.
- #898 The FTP component now has passive mode enabled by default.
- #268 The Inbound HTTP component and HTTP component now have support for multiple open connections at a time.
- #847 We improved the ActiveMQ check in our health monitor.
- #891 We now allow more special characters in the endpoint of the Inbound HTTP component
- #800 We removed the
option from the CSV to XML component
UnsupportedReleased on: 4 February 2019
- #797 Starting from this version we deprecated the Enrich component and the Aggregate component, because new versions are available which have different behavior. The new version of the Enrich component now also puts
XML tags around single message enriched bodies for XML. The new version of the Aggregate component now also putsAggregated
XML tags around single message XML aggregations.
- #845 We fixed a bug in the Content Router which could lead to a lot of persistent data in the queueing system.
- #819 We fixed a bug which caused some components to accept multiple incoming connection lines. We don't support this yet, so we removed it to avoid confusion.
- #849 Since 4.3.1 the Throttling component dissapeared from the component library. It is now available again and we added some preventive measures to prevent this from happening again.
- #855 + #856 We fixed a bug in the Enrich component which caused it to not output any message when it had no connections on the right.
- #866 We fixed a bug in the tracing which could cause some exceptions during flow execution.
UnsupportedReleased on: 9 January 2019
New Features
- #770 We added the possibility to add an authentication token as an HTTP header in the SOAP component, so WSDLs that need one can be accessed.
- #253 Add support for
in the global variable components and the SQL component.
- #818 We removed the deprecated split component. Deprecated split components in flows will be migrated to the current Split component.
- #837 We fixed a rare bug that could block the installation of a flow when it contained an empty environment variable.
- #812 Some flows could not be moved to other flow groups.
UnsupportedReleased on: 12 December 2018
New Features
- #147 New! Revised Front-End Technology, we updated some technologies used for representing Dovetail in the webbrowser which will result in better stability and more features in the future.
- #149 We added the functionality to validate components regarding their positional connection, which means we can now do more specific validations to help the user design their flows.
- #168 Because our users had a difficult time figuring out which installed flows where using tracing, we added the value in the Flow Manager page.
- #197 We improved our login system by not bothering users to login every now and then, if you want to prevent any unwanted access you can just log off manually. With this we also got rid of our back-end token validations which often caused trouble.
- #761 Don't open the Flow Manager in a new tab when navigation from the version tab.
- #150 When adding a new rule in the Content Router component, the new rule will have the same expression type of the previous expression.
- #794 We improved the validation message of the Inbound HTTP component so it is more clear what is allowed and what not.
- #786 FlowLink components will be empty now when you import them via a flow import.
- #183 When a flow fails to load due to an internal server error the Flow Designer will not break anymore.
- #689 It is now possible to use the Scheduler component, which is set with a repeat count, in front of the File component, FTP component and Samba component.
- #246 We improved our health API, so we can retrieve more detailed statistics for our monitoring.
- #144 Fixed an issue where the Two Factor Authentication QR displayed the wrong environment.
- #684 Fixed an issue where Dovetail would load in some icons from
instead ofhttps
causing some browsers to complain about unsecure scripts. - #696 Fixed an issue where underscores weren't allowed in the Script component.
- #712 Before today it was possible to mess up the aggregation by deleting some headers, this has now been solved.
- #762 Fixed an issue where the save button wouldn't turn active when changing an empty environment variable.
- #747 Fixed an issue in the Email component which caused some parts of a header to show up in the body.
- #183 Fixed an issue where flows with incorrect data would break the Flow Designer when they were opened.
- #795 Fixed an issue in the Enrich component which could trigger the flow to keep hanging in a stopping state on uninstall.
- #777 Fixed an issue in the replace component which caused replacing of linefeeds to not be possible anymore.
- #787 The FlowLink component will now properly set the target flow when you open the properties view for the first time.
- #684 Fixed a bug which caused some browsers to show warnings on the login page about unsecure scripts.
UnsupportedReleased on: 13 March 2019
- #268 The Inbound HTTP component and HTTP component now have support for multiple open connections at a time.
UnsupportedReleased on: 31 January 2019
- #866 We fixed a bug in the tracing which could cause some exceptions during flow execution.
UnsupportedReleased on: 13 December 2018
- #777 Fixed an issue in the replace component which caused replacing of linefeeds to not be possible anymore.
UnsupportedReleased on: 20 November 2018
- #234 We added the ListOrders operation in the Amazon component with which users can retrieve order without the need of scheduling reports.
- #235 We added the ListOrderItems operation in the Amazon component with which users can retrieve order items from a specific Amazon Order.
- #236 We migrated the
property in the Amazon component towards aMarketplace
property which should be more specific for Amazon.
- #237 Fixed an issue where the Simple Replace component could stop working under a severe load of items.
UnsupportedReleased on: 8 November 2018
- #713 Fixed an issue where the Soap component would get stuck waiting for a reply in a
flow when the Soap Endpoint would not return any data.
- #218 Fixed an issue where the Soap component would fail to generate the correct request body for message parts with
attributes. - #220 Fixed an issue where the SQL component would return a different result for the
Test Connection
action than calling the flow in real time.
UnsupportedReleased on: 7 November 2018
- #215 Fixed an issue where the Replace component would always return an empty body in
UnsupportedReleased on: 6 November 2018
New Features
- #151 New! Simple Replace component, this components finds simple expressions in a message body and interpolates them. For more information read the documentation page.
- #175 New! FormToXml component, this component allows transformations from the URL Form Encoded body to XML. For more information read the documentation page.
- #150 When using the Content Router component the new rules will automatically mirror your previous settings.
- #181 Support replacing character for line breaks, and tabs.
- #187 When using the override strategy you won't lose any headers that you had before the enrich started.
- #683 We improved the NTLMv2 component so it can now load responses bigger than 2MB.
- #709 When using a MySQL Database with a server timezone that represents more than one timezone Dovetail will automatically default to
for you. - #732 It is now possible to have environment variables with blank values.
- #204 Fixed an issue with the XML to Edifact component where transformations would fail on a certain occasion.
- #686 Fixed an issue with using a flow component in the error route causing the validation message to not have a title.
- #711 Fixed an issue where the preview function didn't work in the Get & Set Global Variables components.
- #719 Fixed an issue with the environment variables table which would incorrectly add an extra row.
- #722 Fixed an issue where you couldn't switch tenants in the Instance Manager view.
- #724 Fixed an issue where the settings table in the components would be bigger than the model.
- #726 Fixed an issue where you couldn't delete your account, simply because we didn't want to let go.
- #734 Fixed an issue where the encrypted key icon wouldn't show up when using custom environments.
UnsupportedReleased on: 25 October 2018
- #196 We fixed an urgent issue where queues were shared across the production an test environment causing flows to behave inappropriately.
UnsupportedReleased on: 18 October 2018
New Features
- #643 New! With this version we support multiple environments, rather then just
. This can be arranged in a few clicks with the Dovetail team. - #886 New! Static environment variables, these variables are automatically filled for every new, and existing flow, prefixed with
. Read more. - #972 New! NTLMv2 component, this component allows users to call webservices with NTLMv2 authentication required. For more information read the documentation page.
- #991 New! Load notifications on flow basis, that's right when a flow experiences high load it will be showed in the Flow Manager. The thresh holds for
notifications can be adjusted on the fly by the Dovetail support if desired. - #1013 New! PDF component, this component allows users to generate pdf files based on a template. For more information read the documentation page.
- #106 & #871 New! Throttler component, this component allows users to throttle batches of incoming messages. For more information read the documentation page.
- #273 Whenever installing a flow that would fail to install in the back-end, the user would receive no notification whatsoever. We have now enabled notifications from the back-end which push possible errors during installation to the user in the form of a notification.
- #542 When using the Recipient component, it's now clear in which order the endpoints will be executed when the flow is put synchronous.
- #667 When using the Remove Headers component Dovetail wil automatically exclude the
header as it is used to track transactions in the tracing log. You can still remove this by explicitly name it in the exclude pattern. - #974 When having a flow that produces alot of tracing, the tracing flow will be stopped when the limit of a hundred transactions is reached. This relieves the tracing / indexing mechanism from some unecessary load.
- #983 You can now have flows with the same name in different groups!
- #1007 We added the possibility for migrations on already installed flows, this gives us the opportunity to make big improvements without having to re-install ever flow by hand when the release goes live.
- #1015 We took the queue'ing mechanism outside of our back-end which will improve reliability, plus on failure we don't have to restart our back-end / flows, only the queue'ing mechanism.
- #1032 & #1033 When linking to a specific flow with the Flow Link component, it now lists the flow group behind it, as of #983 flows can be named the same cross-groups.
- #150 We added support for simple expressions in the rules of a Content Router component.
- #171 Fixed an issue where the user export couldn't be downloaded.
- #666 Fixed an issue where the on hover function wouldn't show the environment variable's value in the FLV, Content-Router and Set Headers component.
- #687 Fixed an issue where the
Get Shipments
method of the Bol component wouldn't accept any parameters. - #993 Fixed an issue where the delete button would be still active, when the flow was actually installed.
- #998 Fixed an issue where the
test connection
button in the SQL component would return a different value then when used installed. - #1004 Fixed an issue where on succesful login, your failed attempts count wasn't reset, causing you to reach your max failed attempts too soon.
- #1018 Fixed an issue where the flow versions / validations sidebar glitched when switching between flow and settings tab.
- #1019 Due to a recent change in table styling for dynamic environments, the tables properties views were not shown correctly, this has been fixed.
- #1030 We fixed a bug that caused the environment switcher to show the wrong value when looking at the Flow Manager.
UnsupportedReleased on: 30 December 2018
- #258 We fixed an issue with the Bol component where the
would be sent to the API instead of the currentYear
attribute causing trouble in the last and first week of a new year.
UnsupportedReleased on: 23 October 2018
- #192 We fixed an issue where header variables, like
, wouldn't get interpolated in the Bol component.
UnsupportedReleased on: 27 September 2018
- We fixed an issue which caused some bundles, related to the EDIFACT and EDI components, to not be properly started after an environment restart.
UnsupportedReleased on: 13 September 2018
- #1020: We added support to dynamically override properties in the Soap component by providing a specific header. You can read more in the updated documentation of the SOAP component.
UnsupportedReleased on: 12 September 2018
New Features
- #944: Messages that originated from the main flow or tracing are now labeled appropriately in the flow logging
- #547: Environment variables are now stored encrypted in the database.
- #865: Now it is also possible to store global variables encrypted in the database.
- #951: Switching between flow and flow component mode in the designer now only reloads the necessary parts of the UI.
- #955: A new icon has been added to flow components in the component library that redirects you to the designer of that flow component version.
- #973: We updated all the component links to Dovetail Academy to include the application version so you'll always see the correct documentation.
- #914: We improved the unlocking of flows, so flows won't be locked when nobody is actually in it.
- #965: Add multiple region support to the Amazon component.
- #935: Add information about the Amazon XSD's in the Amazon Feed documentation
- #949: Add validation to the password field in the login form.
- #784: Flow and component notes are now included in a flow export and will be included on a flow import.
- #865: Global variables that are created in the settings tab no longer get a default value of
. Instead they are empty on creation.
- #977: We fixed a bug in the Inbound email component that prevented the use of an environment variable in the
field. - #919: We fixed a bug that prevented the use of special characters like
in the version remark of the install flow dialog. - #957: We improved the switching of tenants so everything is reloaded properly in the Flow Designer.
- #947: We fixed a bug that prevented a user to sign in when their password contained special characters.
- #943: Flow logging is now properly showed for all log levels.
UnsupportedReleased on: 30 July 2018
New Features
- #605: We added a big feature called Flow Components. With Flow Components you can save a flow as a component that can be used in other flows. For a full explanation you can read the guide.
- #922: We added two factor authentication. You can enable it via your account details.
- #946: We made it possible to use the Remove variable component as the last component in the flow.
- #903: We reduced the body size of tracing from 1MB to 250KB.
- #934: We added XPath 2 support to the Set Headers component.
- #930: Back-end time-zones can be specified per server.
- #907: We added IFTMBF D08A Edifact Standard to the Edifact Standards to XML component.
- #832: We added more information to the validation messages of the log component.
- #875: We upgraded Karaf to the 4.2.0 production release.
- #937: We fixed a bug that caused the Remove headers component to not be visible in the component library.
- #936: Fixed an isue where some components that used Camel Dataformats could not be used in the error route.
- #929: Switching tenants could sometimes break the Flow Designer.
- #942: We fixed an issue which prevented to create a user via the Tenant Manager.
UnsupportedReleased on: 3 September 2018
- #1025: Fixed an issue in the Http component where chaining multiple dynamic http components would result in the first url being overwritten in every component.
UnsupportedReleased on: 26 July 2018
- #989: Removed the
field in the Http component allowing theURL
field to contain static and dynamic URLs.
- #989: Fixed an issue in the Http component where URL parameters would not be sent to the endpoint correclty.
UnsupportedReleased on: 26 July 2018
- #987: Allow custom certificates to be imported for the Soap component without being removed on reboot.
UnsupportedReleased on: 4 July 2018
- #968: Fixed an issue where the Enrich component would wrongly normalize the incoming XML, causing it to fail its own validation.
UnsupportedReleased on: 28 June 2018
- #928: Fixed an issue where the Scheduler component caused a stop of transactions.
- #967: Fixed an issue where the FlowLink buttons in the Tracing wouldn't redirect to the right environment.
UnsupportedReleased on: 21 June 2018
- #964: Allow empty username, password in the smtp settings when the smtp server is configured to authenticate on ip-basis.
UnsupportedReleased on: 8 June 2018
- #931: Fixed an issue with the Soap component that caused a wrong default namespace to be assumed when there were no namespaces defined in the context.
UnsupportedReleased on: 8 June 2018
- #962: Fixed an issue that caused the back-end to crash when flows were de-installed when it had in-flight messages.
UnsupportedReleased on: 30 May 2018
New Features
- #896 + #906: When HTTP or Email endpoints use custom SSL Certificates, we can now import these into our back-end without having to restart it.
- #898: New! Oracle 12c Database connection support, for the SQL component. It means literally what it says, you can now connect to your Oracle database from within Dovetail's SQL component.
- #895: We saw that the tracing storages on some servers were growing a lot faster than we expected, therefore we changed the tracing values so you can choose to keep them less than one day. The new values are:
1 Hour
,4 Hours
,12 Hours
,1 Day
and1 Week
. - #897: When creating a new Tenant it was always a bit difficult to create the first flow, it needed some refreshes before it could be found. This issue has now been resolved, and as an improvement Dovetail asks to create a first flow if none are found.
- #847: Fixed an issue where it was unable to create new users due to the email textbox being disabled.
UnsupportedReleased on: 7 May 2018
New Features
- GDPR: Added an Edit User Details link to your profile view where you can edit your account details, delete your account (and all associated data) and request an export of all your data that Dovetail currently has on you.
- GDPR: Added restrictions on the session cookie Dovetail uses to remember who logged in. These restrictions make sure only your Dovetail instance can access these.
- #812: When transforming XML to JSON we often got the question why everything is by default a string, and
values were automatically an empty array ([]
). We added an option so you can specify in the source XML the type of value it contains so the component knows this when it transforms it into JSON. See the documentation for more information. - #842: We added a health check API to Dovetail so we can monitor it more specific and more accurate.
- #852: We added a favicon to Dovetail.
- #861: Looking at the new Split component a few questions were raised on the
, we decided to make the timeout for asynchronous flow configurable in the flow settings tab, and add an option to split parallel. For the parallel option read the documentation for more information.
- #887: Added support for Office 365 SMTP Mailbox in the Tenant configuration.
- #891: Whenever an exception occurred in the bottom route of the Enrich component, it was not logged into the Flow logs, and no failed exchanges were displayed. Backwards compatibility-wise we decided to just log it in the flow logs, instead of letting the exchange go to the error route as it could break current installed flows.
- #800: Fixed an issue where chaining wiretaps directly after each other would cause the flow to misbehave.
UnsupportedReleased on: 20 April 2018
- #820: When using the CSVToXML component we added the functionality of removing any XML forbidden characters in the CSV Headers.
- #876: When specifying limits on production installs per tenant, you can now use
to set it to infinite.
- #873: Fixed an issue where the Recipient component would sometimes keep ghost connections in the background, causing the flow to misbehave.
- #877: Fixed an issue where the Samba component would not work due to the dependency not being available for the Dovetail 4.0.1 version.
UnsupportedReleased on: 17 April 2018
- With this version, all flows need to be reinstalled manually. This is unavoidable because of the fact that we "reinvented" the way we gather statistics about flows (not related to data, just numbers).
New Features
- #269: We added the functionality to copy and paste components with their config preserved. This can be between flows, but unfortunately not between tenants as that would be some sort of security risk. For more information read the documentation page.
- #591: New! Amazon component, this component allows users to integrate with the Amazon Marketplace. For more information read the documentation page.
- #608: Superadmins can now specify the number of flows that a tenant is allowed to run in production. This can be configured in the Instance Manager.
- #329: When scrolling through your versions in your Flow Designer it is now possible to click on the environment of an installed version to go to its Flow Manager Details page.
- #677: When connecting flows through the
component you often got duplicated tracing in both flows. This issue has been resolved and you should only see the components of the current flow. - #689: When tracing a flow that is connected to a
component, tracing will add a link to the calling and receivingFlowLink
so you can easily navigate through the tracing. - #741: We added the functionality to override properties in the component with headers. This allows users to create dynamic values and pass them to, read the documentation for more information.
- #755: When creating a new flow, the flow group that you were currently in will now be selected by default in the pop up view.
- #775: We made several improvements in the usage of the Content-Router, which should now be more easy to use.
- #778, #799, #845: With 4.0.0 introducing the validation message tab, we were inspired with a lot of ideas and opportunities which we all tried to implement in this version. We added information messages and warning messages to help you in designing better flows.
- #803: We added the Tenant's
creation date
andlast updated
to the Instance Manager view. - #854: We now support more HTTP method calls in the HTTP component! We added:
- #740: Fixed an issue where after registration, the redirect to the Flow Manager would not happen because of the activation token still being in the URL.
UnsupportedReleased on: 29 March 2018
- With this version, all flows need to be reinstalled manually. This is unavoidable because of the fact that we "reinvented" our whole back-end system and upgraded several systems for better reliability and performance!
New Features
- #181:
is now available as FTP Protocol in the FTP component. - #462: New! Validations tab. In addition to our validations and pre-install checks in the Flow Designer, we now added a validations tab that shows you the exact validation message per component. Making it easier and faster to debug your flow. Check the documentation for more information.
- #544: Dovetail now uses the new Apache Karaf 4.2.0.M2 release.
- #682: Dovetail now uses the new Apache Camel 2.21.1 release.
- #711, #813: New! Dovetail Tracer. Previous to this version we used an Apache Camel tracer to trace our message's through the flow. Unfortunately, we discovered that this Tracer was unreliable and deprecated in the new Apache Camel versions. The new Dovetail Tracer is 100% asynchronous and will never interfere with your main route. Important to note is that the Dovetail Tracer will always show the message going into the selected component, whereas before it showed the message leaving the selected component.
- #610: XPath 2 functions are now fully supported again in all XPath expressions.
- #696: Improved the experience when clicking flow versions, by not automatically scrolling back up the versions but staying on the version you clicked.
- #766: This version will have revised component icons.
- #767, #768: Improved security of our routing between our local proxy and back-ends, now all using SSL.
- #777: Expression validations are now run with the same validator which results in better and more consistent validation results.
- #795, #786: We renamed the IftminToXml component to EdifactStandards component for a better user experience, and also added more standard Edifact transformations. This component still only works one-way, from a standard Edifact to XML.
- #797: For security reasons we decided to not show potential stack traces in the response of the Inbound Email component. We do however show a small message to give a clue about what might be wrong. The full stack trace remains available in the logs tab in the Flow Manager.
- #787, #806: Due to an upgrade of the Java Mail library in Apache Camel we had to improve/update some configuration files to make the Inbound Email component work again.
- #810: We now removed the deprecated Soap component in favor of our new Soap component.
- #813: We have made huge improvements to the Soap component generating reliable automated tests which result in improved performances and wider support of WSDL variations.
- #286: Fixed an issue where environment variables would not show/validate correctly in the Error Route.
- #749: Fixed an issue where the operation in the Soap component would not be sorted alphabetically.
- #773: Fixed multiple issues regarding importing and exporting flows.
- #785: Fixed an issue where flows containing a "&" in their names could not be installed.
- #833, #843: Fixed an issue where importing a flow which contained a deprecated component didn't get properly deprecated.