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Version: 4.17.1

NTLMv2 component

The NTLMv2 component is able to post messages to HTTP(S) endpoints with the Windows NTLM Authentication Protocol. It will post the content it receives from a previous component without altering it.


The NTLMv2 component has the following configuration options:

URLURL to the HTTP(s) endpoint that must be reached. It can contain simple expressions like ${} to make it dynamic.
HTTP MethodChoose between GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, DELETE and PATCH.
UsernameThe username used for the NTLMv2 Authentication.
PasswordThe password used for the NTLMv2 Authentication.
DomainThe domain used for the NTLMv2 Authentication.
WorkstationThe workstation used for the NTLMv2 Authentication.
Use Error RouteSet this to false if the endpoint has a redirect or you don't want HTTP errors to be handled by the error route.


  • This component uses the NTLM v2 authentication protocol, NTLM v1 is supported by the default HTTP Component

Custom SSL Certificates

It can be the case that the endpoint you are trying to reach uses an SSL Certificate (HTTPS), this is not a problem for Dovetail as long as it is signed by a default trusted certificate authority. When the endpoint uses a self-signed certificate, or a certificate not signed by a default trusted certificate authority, the certificate should be retrieved and imported into Dovetail. Unfortunately to date, this has to be done manually by the support staff of Dovetail, please contact your Dovetail provider when necessary.

When you install a flow that uses such an endpoint dovetail will run a pre-install check, to check wether the certificate is valid or not. When using a dynamic url this check can be bypassed and it will show up in the flow logging instead.