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Version: 4.17.4

Flow Versions

As you are developing and saving your flow you're working in the draft version of that flow. When you install a flow, a new version of the flow will be created. These versions are duplicates of the flow that can't be changed, so they're a form of history of a flow.

A new version is provided with:

  • A version number (auto increments).
  • A creation date and time (hover for full date:time).
  • The name of the user that created it.
  • Version remark (draft shows Flow Notes)

Versions sidebar

The Versions sidebar displays a list of all available flow versions.

Versions sidebar

In the Versions sidebar you can:

  • See which versions are started (indicated by a green environment label).
  • Click on a version to access its lifecycle controls:
    • to Start a flow or install a new version from draft.
    • to Stop a flow.
    • to Suspend a flow.
    • to Resume a suspended flow.
    • to Delete a version that is not installed.
    • to Navigate to the Flow Manager for this version.
  • Delete multiple versions by selecting them individually or use the Select all button, then Remove selected.

Control the lifecycle

The flow status represents its lifecycle. From the Versions sidebar you can control the lifecycle of a flow. From the Versions sidebar, in the Flow Manager and Flow Designer, you can manage the lifecycle by starting, suspending, resuming, or stopping a flow.


Each installed flow can be in one of several stable statuses (Started, Suspended, Stopped) or transitional statuses (Starting, Suspending, Stopping). The transitional statuses will most often be very short-lived.


Some statuses shown cannot be triggered manually and are set by the backend, for instance Resolved, Unknown or Unconfigured.


Click the button to start (install / deploy) a flow in an environment. The flow will be installed in the backend and turn green to indicate it's started. After you start a flow it has the Started status.

When you start a flow from Draft a popup is displayed to create a new version, as shown below. Leave a Version remark and confirm to create and start a new version.

Flow - New version
Verification of lifecycle changes

Depending on the Verification of lifecycle changes setting in the User Settings - Preferences, a confirmation popup may appear when starting a flow.


Click the button will start to suspend ('pauze') a flow. A flow in the process of suspending will finish any currently pending exchanges. Components that hold locks on resources (open connections or files) may delay this process (status shown is Suspending). A flow that finishes this process succesfully has the Suspended status.

While a flow is suspended:

  • The Inbound HTTPS component will return 503 Service unavailable
  • The FTP (set to inbound), InboundGoogleDrive, InboundEmail and InboundHl7 components will stop loading files
  • The Scheduler component will stop triggering

A Scheduler component with a small repeat interval might still trigger a couple of times while suspending a flow because future triggers were already scheduled and therefore are pending in the backend


Click the button to resume a suspended flow, after starting succesfully it will get the Started status again.


Click the button will start stopping a flow. A flow in the process of stopping will finish any currently pending exchanges. Components that hold locks on resources (open connections or files) may delay this process (status shown is Stopping). When it is fully stopped it will have the Stopped status.

Last update on Feb 27, 2025