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Version: 4.16.0

Email component


The Email Component enables an integration flow to send Email messages.


It has the following configuration options:


Destination email addresses. Split with a comma , to specify multiple addresses. Can be overwritten with a header.

Reply To

Email addresses the receivers should reply to when hitting the reply button. Split with a comma , to specify multiple addresses.


Sender's email address whenever this should be different from the default. Can be overwritten with a header.


The email subject. Can be overwritten with a header.

Exchange Body As

Select if the Exchange Body is sent as the Email body (default) or as an attachment.


  • When the Exchange Body is sent as Attachment, the headers CamelFileName and Content-Type can be manually specified.
  • Components such as the File Component, FTP Component and Google Drive Component already set these automatically.
  • If these headers are not set, a File Name will be generated and the Content-Type discovered by Dovetail.
  • Headers with multiple lines will not be transfered into email headers.

Email Body

When the Exchange Body is sent as attachment, a template for the Email Body can be specified in this field using simple expressions, otherwise the email message content is the message the Email Component received from its predecessing Component.


The Email Component uses the outgoing email settings defined in the Tenant Manager tab, these need to be correct in order to let this component work.

You can verify if your email settings and credentials are correct by installing it in email software; we like to use Thunderbird (download). Do not use webmail to verify your settings.


Some settings of the Email component can also be overwritten by setting headers with the same name:

The corresponding component setting must have the same header as value, for example: the To setting should have ${} as value.