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Version: 4.17.0

Flow Details

Clicking on a flow name in the list of installed flows brings up the details screen of that flow. The Test and Production tabs switch between the details per environment for a specific flow (if it is installed in that environment).

You can use the Details, Logs and Transactions tab to switch the view. You can refer to the Flow Logging and Flow Tracing pages for more information about those tabs.

Flow details

The details shown are:

  • Status: the 'lifecycle' status of a flow
  • Version: installed version
  • Tracing: tracing value (flow settings)
  • Uptime: time since install
  • Timeout: timeout value (flow settings)
  • Exchanges:
    • Completed count and time last completed
    • Failed count and time last failed
    • Pending count

Control the lifecycle

The flow status represents the lifecycle of a flow. After you install a flow that you have built in the Flow Designer it has the Started status. From the Flow Details page you can control the lifecycle of an installed flow. You can Suspend ('pauze'), Resume or Uninstall it.


Each installed flow can be in one of several stable statuses (Started, Suspended) or transitional statuses (Starting, Suspending). The transitional statuses will most often be very short-lived.


There are statuses that can't be triggered by the flow manager, only by the backend, but might still be visible (Installing, Resolved, Stopping)


Clicking the Suspend button will start to suspend ('pauze') a flow. A flow in the process of suspending will finish any currently pending exchanges. Components that hold locks on resources (open connections or files) may delay this process (status shown is Suspending). A flow that finishes this process succesfully has the Suspended status

While a flow is suspended:

  • the InboundHttp component will return 503 Service unavailable
  • the FTP (set to inbound), InboundGoogleDrive, InboundEmail and InboundHl7 components will stop loading files
  • the Scheduler component will stop triggering

A Scheduler component with a small repeat interval might still trigger a couple of times while suspending a flow because future triggers were already scheduled and therefore are pending in the backend


Clicking the Resume button will resume a suspended flow and it will get the 'Started' status again.


Clicking the Uninstall button will start uninstalling a flow. When it is uninstalled it will be removed from the list.

Editing the flow

You can click on the Open in Designer button to redirect you to the Flow Designer with the flow opened on the installed version.