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Version: 4.17.0

Exchange pattern component

The Exchange Pattern component allows you to change the pattern of the exchange to InOnly or InOut.


The Exchange Pattern component has the following configuration options:


Specify the pattern of the exchange.


  • InOnly (default)
  • InOut

InOnly returns the body and headers (exchange) as received at the input of this component. This alters the default behaviour for components.


InOnly only works when the Transport setting of a flow is set to Asynchronous.

When set to InOut the response that's sent back by this component is the body and headers (exchange) at the end of the flow. Alternatively, the response is the body and headers (exchange) before reaching the first component whose 'Exchange pattern' is set to One way. This is default behaviour for components.


InOnly is also known as One way and InOut is also known as Request reply.