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Version: 4.10.1

Velocity component

The Velocity component uses Apache Velocity that lets you template your body. Apache Velocity is a Java-based template engine that provides a template language to reference object and variables defined in the current context. In this case you can template your body with the header/environment variables of the current flow.


The Velocity component has the following configuration options:

TemplateThe Velocity template that should be evaluated for each message passing through the component.


  • Be aware that the combination of the symbols # and * considers as the beginning of a comment section in the Velocity template language. a XML or JSON body will be truncated after #*. To prevent this use a replace component located before the velocity component.


This is an example of a Velocity template for a generic email.

Dear ${headers.lastName}, ${headers.firstName}

Thanks for the order of ${headers.item}.

Regards Dovetail

You can also use this to compose error messages to return.

"error": "Wrong Authorization-Token supplied!",
"supplied_headers": [
#foreach($header in $headers.entrySet())
"$header.key": "$header.value"
} #if( $foreach.hasNext ), #end

The response would be generated like this:

"error": "Wrong Authorization-Token supplied!",
"supplied_headers": [
"Accept": "*/*"
"Content-Type": "application/json"
"Authorization-Token": "12345"
"Cache-Control": "no-cache"